The project aims to raise the awareness and make less vulnerable children and communities in areas prone to natural disasters. Project is funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department.
In his opening speech, H. Mkhitaryan, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations said:
- On behalf of A. Yeritsyan, Minister of Emergency Situations, I welcome all the participants of this event. I have to mention that since joining the Hyogo Action Framework, Armenia has got significant achievements in the field of DRR. ARNAP Foundation has been established and DRR National Strategy has been implemented. It is already become a good tradition to implement jointly projects with our partners. As you know the fight against disasters cannot be the monopoly of one structure, including MES.
Dr. Anna Yeghiazaryan, ARCS Secretary General mentioned in her speech:
- Disaster Management is one of the most important directions of Armenian Red Cross Society, number of projects are being implemented towards reducing vulnerability and increasing the capacity of communities and populations, as well as developing their knowledge and skills to withstand emergency situations and overcoming their consequences.
Together with our partners, today we are here to announce the start of the third phase of the regional project funded by the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department's Disaster Preparedness Programme (DIPECHO).
Ensuring the continuity of such kind of programs is essential, because it is an opportunity to consolidate the obtained results and to favor sustainable development of communities.
I should also mention, that in the frames of the project, the most important is the efficient cooperation and it’s extension in local-regional-national levels between the partners of the field.
Let me also congratulate all of us with the International Day of Disaster Reduction. As we know, this year it is focused on aging societies.
Welcoming remarks were made by M. Mkrtchyan, Deputy Minister of Education, F. Berikyan, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Jose Maria Medina Navaron, EU Representative, Heads of United Nations Children's Fund Armenian Office, Oxfam Armenia and "Save the Children" organizations.
"Disaster Risk Reduction in Armenia" will be implemented in Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor and Tavush Regions and Yerevan. The project will be implemented in the following three main directions:
Strengthening the capacity of local communities to identify and respond to the needs of the most vulnerable population,
The reflection of rights of vulnerable children (including those with special needs) in DRR policy
Capacity strengthening of children and schools in risk-sensitive areas for better protection, mitigation, and disaster response.
Taking into consideration the similarity of the projects being implemented by ARCS and OXFAM- Armenia, Edmon Azaryan, Head of Disaster Management and Population Movement Department together with Zaruhi Tonoyan, OXFAM Armenia organization DRR Projects Officer presented approaches used in the frames of projects implemented in the national, regional and community levels, achievements based on to the previous experiences and innovations contained therein.