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Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law

Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law




tStudents of Law faculties


You are invited to participate in the Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law, which will take place on 7-9 November, 2014


Moot Court Competition aims to deepen young lawyer’s knowledge of International Humanitarian Law through theoretical courses and practical tasks.


Teams consisted of three undergraduate students of law faculties (3th-4th grades) can participate in the competition (awareness of International Public Law is desired). Last year participants can not apply. 


Those interested should complete the collective application form and answer the international humanitarian law related test attached.


The completed application must be submitted to the Armenian Red Cross Society’s Headquarter’s, Paronyan 21/1 (you can pick up the application form from the Dean's office of your Univercity, from ARCS or download  here) or sent to, till15 October. The teams, who pass the selection, will take part in the competition.


Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law is organized by the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) with the support of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and with the cooperation of International and Comparative Law Center (ICLAW).

Competition has been organized for the students of Armenian Universities since 2005 , with the ICRC initiative.

All expenses associated with the participation are covered by ICRC.


For additional information you can contact to ARCS +374 10 539759.