Armenian Red Cross launched a new program to improve care quality in Gyumri 24-hour Care Center.
The goal of the project is to significantly improve the quality of ARCS Gyumri's 24-hour care center through improved minimum standards and staff trainings.
As a result of a project to be implemented starting from 2020 September to 2023 July, with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation and in cooperation with the Austrian Red Cross, assessment of the Center will be carried out in order to improve the minimum standards of care and social services for the elderly and people with disabilities, care concept and guidelines will be developed, for the adoption of new standards advocation towards government will be implemented, so as significantly improved services become an example of quality in the country.
Establishment of community initiative groups and active resident’s groups and links between them, as well as planning and implementing joint small initiatives, re-connecting with relatives and other community members (friends, neighbors), will give the ability to ensure active participation in social life. These are innovative models that will be tested within the planned Working 2gether project. Advocating for the model of ‘integrated initiative group of residents and community members’ may result in replication of the model in other nursing homes.